

- Shadowing Hate -
player tactics

"Tactics" are families of functions directly related to player movements and player interactions with weapons, items and abilities. It basically encompasses all things a player can do in the game that isn't specific to items, abilities or other scripted events. As walking, crouching and jumping would be considered primitive tactics of earlier first-person games, more advanced tactics will exist that are executed by combinations and patterns of these primitive tactics, performed in the first-person format much like "special moves" found in fighting games. Tactics are not to be confused with "skills", "abilities" or "items", tactics are not collected, earned or upgraded, and all players can always perform them so long as their conditions are met by that player. Tactics will be fully covered in the single-player training mission, if the player chooses to accept that.

Primitive Movement Tactics:-
Walk (walk key -with- directional key)
Run (normal directional key)
Sprint (sprint key -with- directional key)
Crouch (crouch key)
Jump (jump key)

Modern Movement Tactics:-
Lean (lean key -with- directional key)
Prone (prone key)
Hide (prone key -while- against a wall)
Ladder (jump/crouch key -while- against ladders)

Advanced Movement Tactics:-
Low-Jump (quick tap jump key)
High-Jump (-hold- jump key)
Crouch-Jump (crouch -with- jump key together = further but lower jump ability)
Double-Jump (jump key -then- jump key(timing) = slight extra jump height)
Bunny-Hop (quick tap jump key (timing) = multiple timed "low-jump" for extra speed)
Leap (quick double-tap directional key = low and fast "leap" (avoid)
Roll (crouch key -with- quick double-tap directional key = fast ground-roll (avoid)
Wall-Jump (jump key -while- mid-jump against/looking at wall (timing) = extra jump away from wall
Land-Leap (jump key -while- landing on the ground (timing) = extra low-jump + minimise damage)
Ground-Slide (quick double-tap crouch key -while- sprinting = fast slide on ground at crouch height)
Mantle (-hold- jump key -while- against compatible "climbable" ledges)
Dive (quick double-tap directional forward -with- lean key = leap prone-tall at window/crate height)(avoid) = (if done correctly, the player will be able to leap through cavities like windows and over/between crates and railings that otherwise do not have the "head-room" to jump through normally, and maps will cater to this tactic)

Primitive Weapons/Items Tactics:-
Fire (fire key = fire weapon or use handheld item)
Use (use key = use objects in the world (e.g. buttons/light-switches))
Ability (ability key = activate the selected ability)(multiple abilities are activated from the GUI)
Swap weapon/item (swap weapon/item keys)
Swap ability (swap ability keys)

Modern Weapons Tactics:-
Alternate Fire 1 (alt.fire key)
Reload (reload key)
Aim (aim key = toggles between the 4 different aim types = normal/free/ironsight/zoom(if available)
Zoom (lean key -while- aimed)

Advanced Weapons Tactics:-
Alternate Fire 2 (fire mode key -then- alt.fire key)
Holster Weapon (holster key)

Advanced Melee Tactics:-
Punch (fire key -while- holstered)
Kick (alt.fire key -while- holstered)
Quick-Jab (forward directional key -with- fire key -while- holstered)
Uppercut (back directional key -with- fire key -while- holstered)
Left-swing (left directional key -with- fire key -while- holstered)
Right-swing (right directional key -with- fire key -while- holstered)
Roundhouse (right directional key -with- alt.fire key -while- holstered)
Scissor-kick (forward directional key -with- alt.fire key -while- holstered)
Quick-low-kick (left directional key -with- alt.fire key -while- holstered)
Long-high-kick (right directional key -with- alt.fire key -while- holstered)
Head-smash (jump key -with- fire key -while- holstered)
Jump-kick (jump key -with- alt.fire key -while- holstered)

Detrimental Anti-Tactics:-
Trip (-while- sprinting = trip over if sprinting over a step/ledge/short object)(defined?)
Slip (-while- running+ = slip down if running+ while on short ledge/railing)(/"slick")
Hit (-while- sprinting+ = stunned if spriting+ against a wall/object (relates to run "ability"))

(-hold-) = hold for 2-seconds+ then release, or continue to hold until executed.
(-with-) = performed precisely with another tactic.
(-while-) = performed while a condition is met such as while another tactic is used.
(-then-) = performed quickly after a previous tactic.
(timing) = this must be timed precisely to work.
(avoid) = the player will avoid damage from attacks but also cannot attack, use or otherwise function normally, these tactics can also be used to minimise some damage from falls, and avoid only avoids gunfire and melee attacks and does not protect the player against explosions and environmental hazards.

Conditions and Behaviours:-
Because there will be some confusion and conflicts between certain tactics, and to minimise accidental use of tactics and keep certain tactics ordered, there needs to be some conditions in place:-
- advanced movement tactics cannot be perfomed with advanced melee tactics, and vise-versa.
- cannot perform advanced movement tactics while using the zoomed aim type.
- cannot perform advanced movement tactics while using most items and heavy weapons.
- cannot perform advanced tactics while leaning, hiding, climbing, tripping, slipping or hitting.

Because most advanced tactics will disable most player control during its execution, it ensures no advanced tactic can really interfere with any other advanced tactic, however these advanced tactics can be performed in sequent combinations for further player tactics, such as combining a quick-leap from a height combined with a ground-roll upon landing, combining speed with minimalisation of damage, as opposed to jumping/falling off the edge slowly, taking enemy fire and taking damage on the fall.


Shadowing Hate
character qualities

This is a funny idea that probably won't get used, but easy enough to implement over everything at a later stage if possible, while still having the intended game if going without these "character qualities". Your "quality" is a dynamic value that is shaped based on a whole range of different things you do and what happens in the game through your actions, and in turn it affects a whole different range of things throughout the game in various ways. The intention is to determine what kind of character you really are and how this affects the way the game plays out. It's an interpretation of your personality and decisions, if you are a good or bad person, and how we the developers think you should be treated. Already this sounds pathetic but hear me out, it's a very simple and modest system for the time being.
One very simple example would be, starting off at 0.5 quality, your character kills a neutral or allied force, and your quality value drops to 0.1, you are now not such a great fellow, so there will be an extra enemy among the group waiting for you in the next area of the map. Exactly along the lines of if you save a neutral or allied force instead, your quality value goes up 0.5+ and there may be one less enemy waiting for you later. This example is also pretty extreme compared to the entire quality system, and is purposely designed to actually not affect the game to any extreme degree, although the option will (and already is able to) allow the game to take extremely different paths parallel within the game and storyline, and then tied back together possibly without even exiting the map for an alternate version. At any point a characters quality can be reset, then dramatically shifted positive or negative at a crucial time, for the plot to take a severe twist and the game to take a completely different path. At this basic level, character quality is just a way of determining if you're taking the game seriously or not and then the game making it harder on you to force you to take it more seriously. If "AI behaviour states" (see separate documentation) are implemented, this system will be adapted to shift these states also, forcing AI into aggressive states more easily.

Qualities are both a value of the player, negative and positive (to 0.5), and value of the game environment, functional from the map scripts. Some entities will need a custom "flag"(?) to set what level of quality affects what property of the entity, such as even existing or not. Typically, the more violent and careless you are, the lower your quality, the more you are penalised things like health and ammo, and the more you will suffer psychological problems, the worse your luck. Some of the most major effects are:-

...bad quality character:-
- will threaten neutral AI states to shift negatively.
- will suffer more potent and frequent psychological disfunctions.
- face more enemies per combat scenario.
- receive less ammo and health in given areas.
- receive less help from neutral and allied AI.

...good quality character:-
- will not threaten neutral AI states to shift negatively.
- will suffer less potent and frequent psychological disfunctions.
- face less enemies per combat scenario.
- receive more ammo and health in given areas.
- receive more help from neutral and allied AI.