

SH dynamic AI states:- (0-10)
0 = Coward state.
(wander randomly within set limits - idle - return to spawnpoint - idle / run away from all other factions - return to spawnpoint when threats are gone)
2 = Critter state.
(wander randomly within set limits - idle - return to spawnpoint - idle / ignore all factions)
4 = NPC neutral state.
(follow, patrol OR wander - stop and idle - stop and look at allied/neutral-faction(s) when within range - talk if engaged)
5 = NPC allied state.
(follow player - attack opposing factions - look at allied/neutral-faction(s) when within range - talk if engaged)
6 = Passive enemy state. (+3 low-stamina, +5 high-stamina)
(neutral state unless opposing-faction(s) within range, then cover-attack)
10 = Aggressive enemy state. (+6 low-stamina, +10 high-stamina)
(persue opposing-faction(s) until within range, then dart-attack)
SH AI tactics:-
Static (remain at spawnpoint - idle+)
Wander (randomly move in a direction - stop and idle - return to spawnpoint - stop and idle (repeat))
Patrol (follow coords/mapcurve - stop and idle - (continue))
Persue (follow player)
Cover (low-stamina/low-health attacks) (favour grenade and sniper attacks)
Dart (high-stamina/high-health attacks) (favour close-range combat and automatics)