


...(to get (baked) shape-animation from 3DSMAX in/out of Blender)...

convert to editable mesh.
export as MD3 file (tested up to ~4000 triangles).
set animation frames as 0-###.

import MD3 into Blender and scale/rotate/actualise.
export to MDD file, delete all Shape Keys (Object Data tab).
import MDD file back in while object is selected.
(you will see green and yellow 'shape values')
(*you probably need to rotate and recalculate normals)
go to NLA Editor and set animation 'blocks' to keyframes.
(click snowflake icon and then TAB to edit)
(right side-panel to rename sequences).

export to Ogre with all option unchecked except:-
'Export Meshes', 'Shape Animation', 'Independent Animations'.
convert to mesh binary with the -o flag in the command line.



...(to get rigged skeletal animations from 3DSMAX to Blender)...

(*using just bones and skin modifier with weight-painting)
(*change grid from 10.0 to 0.1 in 'Home Grid' settings)
restart 3DSMAX\gMAX to bring up Berserker's MD5 exporter dialog and load the scene.
select the model to Add as 'Node to export'
use Nemyax's MD5 import/export (BitsAndBobs) with Blender 2.72.
uncheck 'Reorient' and leave Scale at 1.0, because the closest match is 0.2.
import md5mesh, select 'MD5' 'Pose' in the Outliner, then import md5anim.
save out the .blend file with 'Use Legacy Mesh' checked and open in 2.6*.
remove doubles, smooth shade and recalculate normals.
scale each object (object and rig) independently a 64th, but CTRL+A only object!.
(*this will import every frame with a key and needs manual cleaning up!!!):-...
set to frame 0, go to NLA Editor and press TAB to edit, then go to Dopesheet view.
select all and go to 'Key' > 'Clean Keyframes'.
go back to NLA Editor and press TAB again to exit edit mode.

...(*to scale something already rigged and animated)...
uncheck 'Always Deform' in Advanced Parameters in object's Skin modifier.
disable Skin modifier with right-click modifier stack, 'Off'.
select-all and use the 'Rescale World Unit's utility, click 'Rescale'.
set to 0.015625 on Affect 'Selection'.
select overscaled end-bones, go to menu 'Character' > 'Bone Tools'.
use 'Edit Bone Mode' and 'Refine' to cut and delete extruding bones.
go back to Skin modifier to check 'Always Deform' turn it back 'On'.



Animation and Physics replacing code polish

block Parameter
parameter name and value
block Output
initial state??
block Animation
animation name and playback rate
block Transition
basic blend from one animation to another
block Sum
used only by Transitions??
block Trigger
used for Jumping??
block Direction8Sides
blend animations on keyboard movements
block LookAt
blend animations on mouse movements
"Parameter" - needed at the beginning of the script to define actions in the code the script will use.
"Output" - sets the initial animation state.
"Animation" - a simple animation to use.
"Transition" - to blend one animation into another.
"Sum" - used by transition to define the resting state of a blended animation??
"Trigger" - to trigger an animation by a parameter?? (used only for jumping)
Parameters:- (values obtained from engine code)
block Parameter
parameterName = "****"
value = #### 0/1 off/on??
block Output
in = <UIN> initial Parameter UIN
block Animation
animationName = "****"
speed = #### playback rate
block Transition
selectedIndexSource = <UIN> reference Parameter UIN
animation0 = <UIN> "from" Animation UIN
animation1 = <UIN> "to" Animation UIN
block Sum
animation0 = <UIN> "from" Animation UIN
animation1 = <UIN> "to" Animation UIN
block Trigger
triggerName = "****"
off = <UIN> reference Animation/Transition UIN
on = <UIN> reference Animation/Transition UIN
block Direction8Sides
angleSource = <UIN> reference Parameter UIN
speedMultiplierSource = <UIN> reference Parameter UIN
forward = <UIN> action and Animation UIN...
backward = <UIN>
left = <UIN>
right = <UIN>
forwardLeft = <UIN>
forwardRight = <UIN>
backwardLeft = <UIN>
backwardRight = <UIN>
block LookAt
horizontalAngle = #### initial angle??
horizontalAngleSource = <UIN> reference Parameter UIN
verticalAngleSource = <UIN> reference Parameter UIN
leftUp = <UIN> action and Animation UIN...
leftCenter = <UIN>
leftDown = <UIN>
centerUp = <UIN>
centerCenter = <UIN>
centerDown = <UIN>
rightUp = <UIN>
rightCenter = <UIN>
rightDown = <UIN>

-> Output

-> Parameter
-> Animation

-> Parameter
-> Animation

-> Animation
-> Trigger
-> Sum

-> Animation
-> Transition

-> Animation
