

Just a thought...
Have various maps for SP where all you have to do is survive an onslaught of enemies in all different scenarios from killing floor to open arena and allow every single weapon at your disposal to see how far you can go with a kill count... very simple, and maybe get to choose which enemies you want to fight.

Also: I firmly believe that there are certain elements that will bring us back to the base elements of fun in a PC game.
We can list those elements that we feel are important to include in our projects here:

- I've noticed that in the past 5 years of looking at pc gaming there seems to be a massive lack of movement in the environment. Yes, we've seen movables fall from the sky, or cars blow up in flames... and those things are important however, I'm talking about returning to what made me personally addicted and amazed.
- We must bring the environment to life in as many ways as possible.
How to bring the game to life: (Please add to this list )
- Movable floors ( automatic or interactive)
- Movable walls
- Open lifts / floors / rooms (secret and interactive) / room layouts changing
- A plethora of movement controlled automatically, or by the player, or AI.
- Sound - Global sounds per level / distant echos / muffled distant ambience / sharp clear and distinct close
proximity (current area sounds).
- theatrical mood / danger / panic / victory ( i won't say "music" b'cuz it may not be)
- Real life physics including player trips and falls / floors/ stairs that break or crack / liquid?
- global issues (pollution, effects of war, floods, age/decay, toxic skies/pools dead trees/grass bushes - natural vegetation all dying / steam or haze smoke filled etc.
- DeeP

MetroPD Corpus and Xodi Compound levels can be played in any sequence. The faction is substantially changed in these levels and whichever you choose first will feel discriminated. Your behaviour in these levels is one of three huge events that change the faction status.

Cyanix and Yto levels can be played in any sequence. This will affect balance between Corporate and Agency sides and will affect whether Co-op or Dennet are killed at Q-Sec. This is the one major time this flavour can be changed.

Banker, Senator and General can be played in any order and optionally assassination. These assassinations affect the ending, including all or none. The Senator is blown up in his skyscraper, the general is gassed with Parallax virus, and the Banker is disintegrated with her own microwave cannon.

Disciple thinks Senator can be spared. Detective thinks General can be spared. Levine thinks Banker can be spared. This means 1 final assassination is optional before the game is complete, but those needs to be active objectives and those choices are made before they will become active objectives. This is done by promising the one of three characters to spare those lives, but only one can be chosen, or none. Two may stand on their own, but none can survive alone.

A change of faction affects whether the MetroPD or Xodi tribes attack you or are willing to help you, and their proliferation. A flavour of Corporate or Agency determines the technology they use and territories they are most effective in. The City War will largely remain in this state, unless the player continues to play the game after the ending and shift the faction back in all 5 of the city districts, by fighting along side one or another. Balancing this faction out again is considered the actual true ending of the game, as both sides minimise conflict.

None spared - City War spirals out of control and leads to complete chaos. (nihilist)
(everything is doomed and nobody can be trusted, better to begin from a clean slate)
Banker spared - The Corporates rise to power and a new triad of corrupt companies emerge, ever wiser. (pragmatist)
(innovation can still thrive, but the power must remain in check)
Senator spared - The Agencies rise and the Institute is reformed into the Tribunal, in place of the Coalition. (diplomat)
(law and order must be retained, no matter which side of it you are on)
General spared - International war breaks out between the Coalition and Confederacies, including Parallax. (militant)
(pretty much business as usual, standard and stable, while more enemies continue to be perceived)


Xodi history

As human population explodes worldwide, resources are disabled and unwilling to be shared among the struggling majorities, and this fact is to be hidden behind propaganda. This was a dim future predicted long ago, it was foreseen that in order to maintain hope and order, a new religion would need to be formed, based on immediate realities rather than poetic sentiments of faith like religions from more ignorant times before. This way of life would become known locally as Xodi, and spread outward over the world mostly in the form of simply modernising ("Xodifying") existing religions in this way. It could have been named anything, but was named after a young priest, Mondel Xodi, who had written out the baseline for what would later become the common set of beliefs among the struggling majorities who deny this daily saturisation of propaganda. Unlike religions of earlier times who would speak of heavenly figures upon the clouds, Xodi focussed on the only true force of within the self and its positive and negative projections, and the subtle and elusive evils of media, materialism and corporate power. Due to its lateral and comprehendible nature true to the modern world, Xodi's writings became very popular and spawned countless interpretations globally, but only officially known as Xodi within the metropolis that was home to the man himself. It was foreseen that the few rich elite would have the vast poor communities fight among themselves, away from the comparatively small but strong inner cities and secured suburban areas that are home to the wealthy, and that hopefully these small-scale civil wars would keep population numbers down and disable any kind of manual revolution. This was played out as an illusion on both sides. While nurturing anger toward themselves they would be blind to the fact that corrupt government power is responsible and self-conflict is an actual intended motive and not just incidental as the propaganda states. Unfortunately for the elite, Xodi's popularity increased and made way for organised "tribes" throughout the city, people forming together for their own greater benefit and manifesting a true sense of brotherhood and loyalty among their own, based purely on financial resources or lack thereof. It began much like any other religion, with messages of hope and good will, aid and self-maintained resource for its local community, and for a brief period saw massive decline in crimerates throughout areas with strong tribal formations, but sadly even this harmless notion of religion was secretly judged as being dangerous, and government resources slowly faded out leaving little more than an empty shell of this promising new age for the poor communities now being semi-maintained on the very edge of poverty. Any Xodi-related groups were targeted and disbanded by law enforcement, although at this point it was mostly passive and peaceful operation as true to the original Xodi scriptures. For a short time, the government was truly seen as brutal and totalitarianistic, almost robotic and inhuman, however far too brief to have any lasting impact it remained fresh in minds for a long time to come, especially relatively on those within the rich inner-city security zones finding themselves with no loyalty to the same forces that would see some of their own oppressed in the same ways, with deception and propaganda. The once united tribes of Xodi quickly became separated, between those who simply found it as a manageable set of rules to live by, even naively so, to those who saw a need to forcibly implement these beliefs onto society as a whole, to see it through to an explicit act of revolution, and most likely a violent one due to lack of any other options. These extremists conclude nothing could be more criminal than the oppression already overwhelming them, it could be no crime to take whatever action necessary to plan and execute this revolution, it could be no negative projection. Once again religion has proved, no matter how straight-forward and simple, it can be malformed to suit any end. As the city law enforcers would carelessly round them up and push them back into the gutter, they would develop the same attitude in taking back social resources to share among themselves. Xodi extremists manufactured a new dream of a new era, in which the rich inner cities would become neutralised and conquered, or raise hell for the world to see in the process, the ultimate of positive projections upon the world, no matter the enemy bodycount. However true, Xodi quickly became seen as another name for crime, tribes were now generalised as criminal gangs, and much to the delight of the rich and powerful, began to fight among themselves. This leads us to the early 40s, where a new middle-class has been formed resourced by cheap narcotics and other criminal activity, and increased interactivity between the inner and outer metropolis, and wealthy inner-metropolis supremacists at comfortable ease with the surge in crime very much due to law enforcement becoming completely corporatised independent from mainstream political functionality and metropolitan zones becoming automatically secured and sealed. Sadly this once noble idea of passive revolution had shaped itself into nothing more than criminal greed, though a few powerful tribes remain true to the original messages, once again the vast majorities were made to believe to be suffering onto themselves by their own actions via the emittance of persistent propaganda. The early 40s marked the age of excessive human population aligning with the ever growing lust for dwindling resources as medical and military science destroy obstacles in the way of outrageous new technology for the wealthy elite. Vast majorities finding themselves starving in the streets, being told food and health is only just around that next corner, while few others high in luxurious skyscrapers face what seems a step away from supernaturalism and immortality. Mondel Xodi himself said "When the third world is across the street from the first world, one way or another, one will spill into the other."