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SHc1m3 shots

Posted: (050626)(03:06.42)
by LDAsh
A couple of shots from the city-underground map of the first chapter. Still underdeveloped.
[ external image ] [ external image ]

Posted: (050630)(00:06.57)
by Wolf
yeah lookin great , and its giving me ideas

to make a truly spectacular scene of a whole underground city
(or at least a large part of it)

you could use D3's out door mode , make a semi normal city
and use a custom sky that looks like a half rock half man made structure
kinda like how zion use's both rock and tech as its architecture

Posted: (050701)(09:07.16)
by LDAsh
Thanks, there will be a lot of that style in this, underground facilities, water tunnels, stuff like that. I don't know if we can do entire underground cities, the engine does have its limits, the way I'll be doing large outdoor areas greatly relies on the type of detail put into it. The upcoming maps will have much greater detail.

Posted: (050702)(21:07.30)
Creepy :)

Doom3 is very dark by nature, is this going to be similar in that way too? D3 was suposed to scare and look cool when we didn't see nothing, but these are races and that should be considerated i think!

This is gonna be awesome :D keep up!

Posted: (050721)(17:07.51)
by LDAsh
Shadowing Hate will be very dark, but never completely pitch-black because that will cause problems with the environment mapping on weapons, which is something Doom3 didn't have. I recently discovered the only way to fix this problem is to have no specular or normalmap pass, but instead of doing that to our lovely-to-be weapons, I'd rather say "no pitch black", or at least, no complete pitch-black, meaning there must be at least a theoretical light source somewhere in any point of a map, otherwise the weapons and some characters will appear to glow in the dark to an extent.