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Stained-glass Hack (060318)

Posted: (060318)(23:03.05)
by LDAsh
Here's a stained-glass effect set I've wanted to try out for a while now. This is a hack, this is no Unreal 3 level effect so you won't get colourised light actually casting through the glass from some dynamic light source on the other side, although it works reasonably well as a static effect and we're at least able to cast the coloured light (which isn't being filtered at all, it's a lightshader being projected from well beyond that wall and straight through it) onto objects in front of it, in this case it's my hovercraft from Chaos Circuits receiving the lightshader texture. It also doesn't cast shadows itself, because the light needs to travel through the 2 different textures that make up the wall with the window. It's a little complicated, and a hack, but it gets an interesting result, I think.
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